Heptagon European Focus Equity Fund

Heptagon European Focus Equity Fund

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04 September 2024
SFDR classification
Article 8
Europe Large-Cap Growth Equity
Investment Style
Large Growth
Fund Size


The Fund aims to deliver long-term capital appreciation by investing in European equities.

The Fund employs a high conviction, bottom-up, low turnover, research driven strategy with a focus on companies that exhibit sustainable long-term growth. Rigorous fundamental analysis is utilised to identify companies believed to have intrinsic value greater than market valuations.

ESG considerations are essential to the investment process, the Fund does not invest in areas such as gambling, weapons, or tobacco and engages in active dialogue with companies to foster good ESG practices and improve the sustainability profile of companies in the long-term. The Fund also avoids commodity or energy stocks and does not generally invest in purely financial sectors as these are deemed to be closely integrated with a slow-growing economy. The Fund favours large-capitalised stocks with adequate free-float liquidity and more concentrated business models over those widely diversified. Fund Manager, Christian Diebitsch, joined Heptagon in 2014 and has been managing European Equity funds with the same investment style since 2007.

Christian Diebitsch’s Introduction to Investing

Listen in to Fund Manager, Christian Diebitsch’s journey into the investment world and what highlighted the beginning of his career.

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Key stats

The below shows the information for the share class selected in the drop down box directly below the name of the fund. You can use the drop down box to view information relating to other share classes listed in the fund. A full list of all currency share classes is available on request.

Investment Team LocationLondon, UK
Active/PassiveActive with reference to a benchmark
BenchmarkMSCI Europe NR EUR
Fund SizeEUR67m
Fund Launch26 August 2014
Fund StatusOpen to all investors
Share Class Launch02 October 2014
Share Class StatusOpen to all investors
Fund CurrencyEUR
Share Class CCYEUR
Management Fee1.15%
Min. InvestmentEUR2,000,000
Fund TypeUCITS
AdministratorBBH Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Ltd
DepositaryBBH Trustee Services (Ireland) Ltd
AuditorGrant Thornton
Dealing FrequencyDaily
Risk Management
Lower RiskHigher Risk



Past performance is no guide to future performance and the value of investment and income from them can fall as well as rise.

Heptagon European Focus Equity Fund Q2 2024 Webcast

Top Ten Holdings

As of 31 August 2024
NameSectorCountryWeight %
1Novo Nordisk A/SHealth CareDenmark9.2
2ASML Holding NVInformation TechnologyNetherlands7.0
3Atlas Copco ABIndustrialsSweden6.5
4L'Oreal S.A.Consumer StaplesFrance5.7
5adidas AGConsumer DiscretionaryGermany5.6
6Hermes International SCAConsumer DiscretionaryFrance5.6
7Givaudan SAMaterialsSwitzerland5.0
8Tomra Systems ASAIndustrialsNorway4.9
9Dassault Systemes SEInformation TechnologyFrance4.8
10Coloplast A/SHealth CareDenmark4.8

Exposure Breakdowns

As of 31 August 2024
TypeFund %Benchmark %
Communication Services0.03.1
Consumer Discretionary14.89.8
Consumer Staples16.510.6
Health Care23.216.6
Information Technology11.37.8
Real Estate0.00.8

Fund insights

Fund Manager

Funds to consider

Global Large-Cap Growth Equity
Heptagon Future Trends Equity Fund

The Fund aims to deliver consistent and sustainable long-term returns by investing in a concentrated portfolio of global equities. The Fund seeks to invest in a diverse range of businesses offering exposure to the key trends which we believe will help shape the future. These trends naturally align with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and are trends which we believe will grow in importance regardless of the economy and regulation. The Fund is highly concentrated with low levels of turnover, and is sector, size, and geography agnostic. Portfolio construction is conducted bottom-up, with an emphasis on quantitative and qualitative factors as well as ESG considerations. The Fund does not invest in areas such as gambling, weapons, or tobacco and engages in active dialogue with companies to foster good ESG practices and improve the sustainability profile of companies in the long-term. Fund Manager, Alex Gunz, has worked in finance since 1997 and prior to joining Heptagon in 2011 was a top-ranked analyst at firms including Credit Suisse and JP Morgan.

Long/Short Equity - Global
Heptagon Future Trends Hedged Fund

The Fund aims to deliver consistent and sustainable long-term returns by investing in a concentrated portfolio of global equities. The Fund also has the ability to invest in financial derivative instruments for investment purposes and to hedge against market risk. The Fund seeks to invest in a diverse range of businesses offering exposure to the key trends which we believe will help shape the future. These trends naturally align with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and are trends which we believe will grow in importance regardless of the economy and regulation. The Fund is highly concentrated with low levels of turnover, and is sector, size, and geography agnostic. Portfolio construction is conducted bottom-up, with an emphasis on quantitative and qualitative factors as well as ESG considerations. The Fund does not invest in areas such as gambling, weapons, or tobacco and engages in active dialogue with companies to foster good ESG practices and improve the sustainability profile of companies in the long-term. Fund Manager, Alex Gunz, has worked in finance since 1997 and prior to joining Heptagon in 2011 was a top-ranked analyst at firms including Credit Suisse and JP Morgan. 


Heptagon Capital Limited, Heptagon Capital LLP and its Partners disclaim any and all liability relating to these materials, including, without limitation, any express or implied representations or warranties for statements or errors contained in, and omissions from, these materials. Certain assumptions have been made, and/or parameters set, in the preparation of these materials which have resulted in the returns detailed herein, and no representation or warranty is made that any returns indicated will be achieved. Changes to assumptions or parameters may have a material impact on the returns detailed. This document should not be considered an offer to buy or sell investments. Heptagon Capital Limited has issued this communication as investment manager for Heptagon Fund ICAV, and is licenced to conduct investment services by the Malta Financial Services Authority.

Heptagon Capital LLP, acting as Distributor, is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Representative and Paying Agent in Switzerland is Société Générale, Paris, Zurich branch, Talacker 50, PO Box 1928, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland. The prospectus, the key investor information document, the Articles and the annual and semi-annual reports are available free of charge from the Swiss representative.

The results given herein are based solely upon historical fund performance as gathered and supplied by Morningstar. That past performance has not been independently verified by either Heptagon Capital Limited or Heptagon Capital LLP. It is not intended to predict or depict the future performance of any investment. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns.

The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes only, is not complete, and does not contain certain material information about the funds, including important disclosures and risk factors associated with an investment in the funds. Before making an investment in any fund, prospective investors are advised to thoroughly and carefully review the fund’s private placement memorandum with their financial, legal and tax advisors to determine whether an investment is suitable for them. An investment in these funds is not suitable for all investors.

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The Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”) was developed by and is the exclusive property and a service mark of MSCI Inc. (“MSCI”) and S&P Global Market Intelligence (“S&P”) and is licensed for use by Heptagon Fund ICAV. Neither MSCI, S&P, nor any other party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications makes any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to such standard or classification (or the results to be obtained by the use thereof), and all such parties hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of such standard or classification. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, S&P, any of their affiliates or any third party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.