Future Trends Blog Category Archive

Future Trends Blog

Fund Manager Alex Gunz shares his latest insights into future trends on a regular basis in this Blog.

Post #25: Five things I just learned from Mary Meeker
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #25: Five things I just learned from Mary Meeker
Post #24: Beyond the hype. Live from TechXLR8
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #24: Beyond the hype. Live from TechXLR8
Post #23: 5G is coming to you soon(ish)
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #23: 5G is coming to you soon(ish)
Post #22: “Technology is the best way to differentiate ourselves”
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #22: “Technology is the best way to differentiate ourselves”
Post #21: Metrology for beginners
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #21: Metrology for beginners
Post #20: Outlook – bright clouds
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #20: Outlook – bright clouds
Post #19: Better big boxes
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #19: Better big boxes
Post #18: The future comes to Olympia
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #18: The future comes to Olympia
Post #17: Livin’ for the smarter city
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #17: Livin’ for the smarter city
Post #16: Download your brain
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #16: Download your brain
Post #15: Eat more nuts!
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #15: Eat more nuts!
Post #14: Postcard from Bilbao
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #14: Postcard from Bilbao
Post #13: Avocados to Rotterdam
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #13: Avocados to Rotterdam
Post #12: The power of influencers
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #12: The power of influencers
Post #11: What happens in an Internet minute…
  • Future Trends Blog
Post #11: What happens in an Internet minute…

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